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+ Concept of risk
- Main lines of risk
- Uncertainty and situation of risk
- Uncertainty reasons
- Types of uncertainty and their classification
- Risk nature
- Risk factors
- Risk functions
- Characteristics of risk
- Riskology

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Main lines of risk

The main lines of risk are: discrepancy, alternativeness and uncertainty.

Such line as leads discrepancy in risk to collision of objectively existing risky actions with their value judgment. As along with the initiatives, the innovative ideas, introduction of new perspective types of activity accelerating technical progress and affecting public opinion and the spiritual atmosphere of society there are a conservatism, dogmatism, subjectivity, etc.

The alternativeness in risk assumes need of the choice from two or several possible versions of decisions, the directions, actions. If the possibility of the choice is absent, then there is no risky situation, and, therefore, and risk.

Uncertainty is called incompleteness or inaccuracy of information on sales terms of the project (decision). Existence of risk is directly connected with availability of uncertainty which is non-uniform in a form of manifestation and according to the contents. Business activity is performed under the influence of uncertainty of the external environment (economic, political, social, etc.), sets of variables, contractors, persons whose behavior can not always be predicted with an acceptable accuracy.

Basic reasons of uncertainty are:

  1. Spontaneity of natural processes and phenomena, natural disasters (earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, drought, frost, ice).
  2. Accident. When in similar conditions the same event results from unequally many social and economic and engineering procedures.
  3. Availability of contradictory trends, collision of interests (military operations, international conflicts).
  4. Probabilistic nature of scientific and technical progress. It is impracticable to define concrete consequences of these or those discoveries, technical inventions.
  5. Incompleteness, insufficiency of information on an object, process, phenomenon. This reason results in limitation of the person in collecting and processing of information, with permanent variability of this information.
  6. Limitation, material, financial, labor, etc. resources at acceptance and implementation of decisions; impossibility of unambiguous knowledge of an object at the developed levels and methods of scientific knowledge; limitation of conscious human activity, the existing differences in social mental sets, estimates, behavior.

